Sammie confesses to Confessions Corner how she dealt with her rough, bullish older brothers.

toothbrush kid



Being the youngest child and the only girl with four elder brothers, I grew up bullied and ganged-up on by my brothers. As I was too little to fight back, I would get my revenge in the bathroom by dipping the most offensive/s brothers toothbrush in the toilet and once I peed in my 2nd oldest brothers bath before he got into it. Now we’re older, we get on more and I wouldn’t be without them. However, I think I’d suffer a battering if they ever found out the truth.

Sammie K, Chester, UK

AUNTY AURA SAYS : Ew! What a naughty little sister you were. I agree…what they don’t know won’t hurt them, or you.

Granny’s Bad Dinner’s

Ruth reveals what she and her brother did with their grandmother’s dodgy dinners in Childhood Confessions

As a kid, my brother and I would spend a fortnight out of every Summer holiday at our paternal grandparents. We were never keen on our grandmother’s cooking – I don’t think my granddad was either – so dinner times were always a nightmare.

Because it was during the Summer, we spent a lot of the time in the garden. My brother and I soon found a discreet spot in the soil to bury our unwanted food, and would do so as often as we could. My granddad was a keen gardener but never mentioned finding anything, so we’re guessing they didn’t ever know our secret. They’ve both passed away now, but my brother and I have fond memories of our missions. We even joke that my nan’s cooking probably killed them both in the end. LOL!

Auntie Aura Says :- Very naughty Ruth… I hope you’re a better cook than your grandma LOL!