Jealous Of My Boyfriends Bromance With My Ex

Mummy Shauna is grateful that her ex and her boyfriend aren’t at each others throats, but their bromance is making her feel annoyed and slightly neglected. 

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Dear Auntie Aura,

I know I probably shouldn’t be complaining, but the bromance between my ex partner and present boyfriend is driving me cuckoo. My ex and I split over two years ago but he remains a part of my life as we have two children together. When I first started dating my boyfriend, my ex was a bit standoffish and arrogant towards him. My boyfriend, who also has children from a previous relationship, put it down to my ex having fears about another man being around his kids and muscling in on his role as their dad. I don’t know the full conversation that took place between them shortly afterwards, but since then they’ve become firm friends. They go on weekend trips with all the kids, go out socially, call and message each other almost every day. I’m grateful they get along, but I sometimes feel like my ex is the third person in my relationship. I get along with his girlfriend but I don’t want to be her best mate. If I have an argument with my boyfriend, I don’t need my ex knowing or giving advice about it and I can certainly do without him calling my fella just as we’re about to get intimate. My ex is around us so much that even holding hands or giving my boyfriend a cuddle feels awkward in front of him. When I talk to my boyfriend about the situation, he just laughs my frustration off and says I should be grateful that my ex is mature enough to accept him and that their friendship is positive for my kids. I agree to a certain extent and I know he’ll always be a part of my life, I just wish it wasn’t so much. I actually get jealous sometimes because I feel my ex knows my boyfriend more than I do. Am I wrong to feel like this?  – Shauna, 35

Dear Shauna,

There are many women who’s exes won’t even let them move on with a new partner that would love to be in your position right now. However, you are not wrong for feeling a little overpowered by your exes presence in your relationship. To demand any drastic changes ie; they stop socialising together unless it involves the children, would only cause unnecessary friction. Your boyfriend should not be answering any calls unless they are emergency calls when you and he are having intimate time so you need to check hi on that issue. As for feeling awkward to displaying affection in front of your ex, that could be your problem. You’ve both moved on and settled in relationships, your past with him is history, so kissing your boyfriend or giving a little tap on his ass should not feel awkward. Maybe you should do it more often and your ex might take a hint and leave you be but don’t let his presence hold you back. Also try not to be the third wheel just hanging about or left alone when they’re hanging out. Go out with your own friends or have them over so your time and thoughts are not so occupied seething over what your boyfriend and ex are doing. Please, however annoyed you feel, try and remain positive about your situation, just enjoy the harmony and let your boyfriend know that it is ok to say “no” to your ex sometimes, so he can spend more time with you.

Aunty Aura

Confessions Corner – Women Reveal Why They Stay With Cheating Partners

I frequently come across people who have been cheated on and a majority of the emails I receive are from a wronged party in turmoil over their partners infidelity. Not every cheat is always a cheat and some relationships can survive an affair, but it seems that the lack of respect in relationships now is highly rife (and I’m not just talking about the fellas). In today’s society, being cheated on is almost expected in couples with many spouses turning a blind eye to it. Here in this Confessions Corner post, women reveal why they they have chosen to stay in a relationship after being cheated on.

why women stay with cheats

“In his younger days, my husband cheated on me more times than I’ll ever truly know about. I stayed with him because he was my husband and I believe in the vows of marriage. I’ve never confronted him about his affairs and he’s never flaunted them in front of me. We’re both in our late fifties now and I do believe the philandering has stopped. We have a stable marriage with children and grandchildren and an active sex life. I love him dearly but the pain and anger I went through alone will always haunt me.” – Kaye, 58

“I’d been cheated on before in a previous relationship, so when I found out my present boyfriend was hooking up with girls from dating websites for sex kicks I went ballistic and threw him out of our flat. I let the whole world know on Social Media that he was a dirty scumbag and shamed him to both our families, who sided with me because I’d been a loyal and supportive girlfriend to him for over three years. After months of him grovelling, crying and promising to never slip up again, I took him back. I made him get tested for STDs and demanded he got rid of all dating apps on his phone. I’ve still not fully forgiven him and I’ll never forget but eight months after everything blew up, we’re in a good place. I believe he’s sorry for messing up and knows if he ever cheats on me again, it’s over. For good..” – Abi, 24

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“My husband went on a lads holiday and came back with gonorrhea, which to this day, I still believe caused my miscarriage at the time. I hated him for a long while afterwards but knew I didn’t want to be with anyone else and couldn’t bare the thought of him being with someone else either. With all the stress, especially losing the baby, we had professional counselling and I accepted his holiday fling was an act of immaturity and male bravado. We now have two healthy boys and I trust that he’s 100% faithful to me. The pain of the miscarriage will always cloud over us but I’m so glad I didn’t throw our marriage way because of a laddish mistake.” – Chloe, 28

“I stayed with my cheating boyfriend because I was so invested in problems within my family I neglected his sexual and emotional needs. We did initially split after I found out but got back together on the condition he would end his fling with no contact with the woman ever and I would put more of an effort into his feelings and concentrate less on my family. Five years later we’re stronger than before and I trust him completely. Sometimes women do have to share the responsibility when their partners cheat. If you don’t give them the attention they need, of course they’re going to look for it elsewhere.” Vee, 32

“I fell in love with a player hoping his love for me would make him change his ways. He does love me and I do get treated like a Queen, but a player will always be a player. I’d be lying to myself if I said that his sleeping around didn’t bother me, no woman wants to be cheated on but I do love him. Our sex life is the best, he’s very attentive and pleasing and despite all of the other side chicks, he always comes home to me. I’m the mother of his child, I’m a part of his family, I live in his house and he trusts me enough to handle his money. He may be playing me, but I know I’m special to him.” – Tianna, 24

“I played dumb to my partner openly sleeping around because I truly loved him, believed the bullshit excuses he fed me with and thought our impending marriage (to allow him to live in the UK) would make him respect me more. My friends advised me to get out of the relationship, insisting that he was only using me for a Visa but I was so blinded by love and determined to prove them wrong that I went ahead and married him anyway. The cheating continued, even on our wedding night. I was getting verbal abuse and into fights with these random girls he was spinning his cock and bull to, I quit my job to be with him more and altered my appearance to keep him happy in the hope that he would stop cheating. Reality kicked in a few months into the marriage when a long time friend of mine revealed she was carrying his baby. The betrayal of them both was too much to ignore and his gloating about making an English baby was a kick in the heart. It wasn’t easy getting him out of my life as he demanded I remained committed to the marriage and he and my friend tried to emotionally blackmail me stating that my jealousy over the child was why I wanted out and how the kid would grow up without a father if he got sent back home to his birth country. With a good solicitor, I managed to get a quick judicial separation, before finally filing for divorce and with the support of my real friends and family I fixed my life up, went back to work and spent more effort loving myself. I’ve been with my current bloke for nearly a year now. I trust him but I’m taking this relationship at a much slower pace. As for my ex; he and my friend had a baby boy. She wanted to marry him but as she doesn’t work and has no savings it couldn’t help his immigration status. He did find another woman for a convenient marriage, but in the lead up to the event, he was arrested for drug dealing and deported out of the country. Rumour has it that there’s another kid from a different woman for him here. Looking back, I’m glad that he got my friend pregnant because had it just been some random girl, I probably would’ve forgiven him and stuck in a marriage that would’ve caused me extra grief.” – Rebekah, 26

“Pretty soon after getting with my man, I had suspicions he was cheating. Turned out he had a woman and kid on the other side of town and I was the side piece. Twelve years later with five kids between us, my fella has two families that know about the other, accept it and the situation suits us all. It’s not an ideal family set up and certainly not what I had in my plans when I fell in love with my guy, but me and the other woman respect each other, our kids have grown up together and are loved, happy and well behaved. In the mix of the community where I live, most men are sleeping around, having kids all over the place and leading a life of constant drama. I know where my man is when he’s not with me, my kids know their siblings and when he is with me it’s all good, so I’m cool.” – Ann-Marie, 37

cheater hubby

“My husband has been having an affair with his PA for over four years. I hate him for it but stay with him for the sake of our kids and to save face. To have my family and social circle know that he’s playing around would crucify me. I’m a mother of four relying totally on my husbands income to live the comfortable life I lead. We haven’t had sex in three years because there’s no love there for either of us. He doesn’t want a costly divorce and I don’t want to give up the perks of being a kept housewife or my kids suffering the fallout from us splitting. I also refuse to give his PA the satisfaction of setting him free. Me and my husband are cordial to each other, he’s a brilliant dad and I have all the perks of being financially taken care of but he just can’t be faithful” – Coleen, 42

***Calling out to the guys!  Have you ever forgiven or are you currently with a partner that has cheated on you? Share your view in the comments or email

ADVICE – My Boyfriend Is Back On Drugs

Single mum Valerie thought she had found the love of her life, until he turned back to his heroin addiction.  Aunty Aura helps her decide whether the boyfriend should stay or go.

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Dear Aunty Aura,

I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year and we’ve been living together for 8 months. I knew he had a drug abuse history at the start of our relationship but as he had been clean for a number of years, thought it was in the past. A few months into us living together, I noticed sharp mood swings in him, especially with my children [from a previous relationship]. I put it down to the stresses of other people’s kids, knowing my own can be a handful at times. When items from our home and cash from my purse went missing, I agreed with my boyfriend that my teenage son was the culprit. My boyfriend works, earns a good wage so I never suspected him for a moment, until I found evidence of his drug use in the garage a couple of weeks ago. At first he denied it, then he blamed me and my kids for his relapse and then came the apologies, tears, promises to get help and declaring his love for me. I feel for him, I love him but I’ve never had dealings with a drug addict before and I can’t cope with the war that’s exploded because of it. My kids want to live with their dad because they’re scared of my boyfriend. My ex is threatening to report us to social services and my boyfriend is depending on me to be his crutch whilst he sorts himself out, although he hasn’t actively seeked professional help yet, and is still taking heroin. I don’t want to lose my kids or him.

Valerie, UK


Neither yourself or your kids were supplying drugs, nor forcing them down your boyfriends throat, so he has no right blaming you. He makes his own choices. You love this guy, but your kids are your priority. They’re entitled to feel safe in their own home and be in the care of responsible adults. You’ve falsely accused your son of stealing which will have put a strain on your relationship with him. You can’t expect your kids not to have issues with the wrong doings of your boyfriend just because you love him. Personally, I would say he’s got to go, until he receives treatment and see how things go from there. You can still support him, but his drugs and the behaviour that stems from his abuse cannot be in your house or around your children. With drug users you have to be tough. Say what you mean and follow through. If he really loves you and wants help with his addiction, he’ll do his best to get there. By allowing him to still use in your home, until he decides when to seek help is giving him a crutch, which he will use to guilt trip you and take the guilt of himself and things will only get worse. Get tough, let him prove himself and you focus on your kids.

Aunty Aura

ADVICE – No Sex Before Marriage

Jake from the UK asks Auntie Aura for advice on his no sex relationship

"No ring, no things"

“No ring, no things”

Dear Auntie Aura,

From the moment I hooked up with my girl eight months ago, she said that she would never have sex until she’s married. Girls use that line all that time when they’re playing guys so I didn’t pay too much attention to what she said, however, eight months later, she’s sticking to her words and won’t free up.

My girlfriend claims she is a practising Christian, she doesn’t go to church every Sunday, she smokes, drinks and parties so why can’t she have sex. I’m almost 20, I get feelings and I’ve got needs. She allows foreplay, but whilst she can touch me to get me aroused, I’m not allowed to touch her underneath (vagina) as she says I’m “crossing boundaries” and steering her into temptation. I have feelings for this girl but I can’t hold out for much longer and I’m too young to be putting a ring on her finger. There’s plenty of girls around my way that I could have sex with but I don’t wanna be cheating on her. Maybe I should just end it. What do you think?

Jake, Birmingham UK


Hi Jake. Although your girlfriend doesn’t sound very Christian-like, she stated a rule from the onset of your relationship, that there would be no sex before marriage. You have to respect that. However, her teasing you is not fair and I fully understand that you must be overwhelmed with sexual frustration, its only natural.

I don’t think this relationship holds out much hope for the future as you both have parallel feelings of what you want from each other. You’re not ready for marriage and your girlfriend doesn’t want sex. You can’t change her feelings and she can’t change yours so you’re on a road to disaster. You need to have serious words with your lady and part hopefully on friendly terms.

On another note, fair play on you for holding back for eight months. Not many guys would be able to do that.

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Cougar Mommy Sleeps With Sons Friend

That's My Mommy

That’s My Mommy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m a 39 year old single mother of four.  I split with my partner last year after 10 years together and cannot see myself committing to a long-term relationship ever again.   However, for the last few months I’ve been having steamy secret sex with my nineteen year old son’s (from an earlier relationship) pal.

Madonna and Toyboy Brahim Zaibat

He’s only 21 with the body and experience of a grown man. The thrill of having a secret lover has blown the misery, caused by my break-up, out of my life. My children, especially my son, would be devastated and totally ashamed if they found out, my friends and family would likely disown me but I’m having the time of my life, and so is he. We both understand it’s nothing serious, just fun, no strings sex so as long as we’re discreet, I’m going to keep getting my freak on.

Cindy, Wolverhampton, UK

Auntie Aura Says :- Good on you Cindy. We love a Cougar story here on Auntie Aura’s Confession Corner. Every single woman needs a toyboy fling at some stage in their life to put the spring in their step. Shame he’s a friend of your sons as all hell will break loose should your fling be exposed.

Living With My Girlfriend Has Killed Our Relationship

Dear Auntie Aura,

When me and my girl hooked up almost a year ago, I fell deep. She’s 19, beautiful, got a body to match and seemed to be pretty smart. After a couple of bad relationships, I thought this was the real deal and agreed when she suggested moving into my flat as she spent so much time there anyway. Three months later I’ve realised it was a bad move.

Aunty, this girl causes drama if I go anywhere, apart from work without her. She doesn’t like my boys coming around the flat, is jealous of my friendship with my neighbour and wants us to find a new place. We both work but I’m paying all the bills. We’re arguing almost every day over her insecurities and her wanting to rule my life. Every time I say we should break up or she she should move back in with her family she starts crying and accusing me of cheating and accusing my family and friends of trying to split us up. I’ve never cheated but I can’t continue with all this shit. How can I break up with her without the guilt trip?

Micah, 22, UK

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Auntie Aura Says:

Dear Micah,

I don’t need to tell you this relationship isn’t healthy, you clearly know that yourself. Your girlfriend has insecurity issues that aren’t going to be solved by you staying with her out of guilt or emotional blackmail. I can see you really have deep feelings but you’re going to have to “man up” for either your relationships sake or your own sanity. Tell her calmly that you are not cheating and you won’t give up your friends for her. You also need to point out that if she feels adult enough to leave home, she must front some of the bills. If she can’t accept your ultimatum, show her the door and walk away from this relationship. She’s using her tears to manipulate and control you. There’s only a small age gap between you but this girl clearly has a lot of growing up to do. You can’t allow yourself to be ruled by her childish ways and lose your friends and family.

I Still Love My Violent Ex

Dear Auntie Aura,

Four months ago, I walked away from a violent and demeaning relationship with my boyfriend of three years. I swore to myself, my family and friends that I would never get back with him and moved back in with my parents to distance myself away from him and be safe from his manipulating and violent threats. For the best part of two months we had no contact until I had to go back to his flat to collect some important documents that had been posted there by mistake. He looked so broken when I seen him and full of apologies of the way he’d treated me. Instead of our usual arguing, we spoke for hours and agreed to part as friends. We exchanged phone calls and texts over the weeks and after a secret meeting last month, we had sex.

Since then he has been bombarding me with calls and messages begging me to take him back. I have to admit I miss him and the sex but I can’t risk him hitting me again and his jealous ways. My family and friends would never accept us back together as a couple and would probably have less sympathy if he repeated his violence. We’ve talked a lot about him getting professional help but he isn’t actively doing anything about his anger. He wants me to make a decision as he can’t cope with talking to me but not being with me. If I don’t take him back, he wants nothing to do with me. I don’t think I could handle that either. Can you help me choose?

Tia, 21, Manchester

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Auntie Aura Says:

Dear Tia,

You swore to yourself, four months ago that you would never go back to your jealous, violent ex, yet you’re having secret sex with him and he’s using the same manipulating behaviour to lure you back into the relationship. You have to ask yourself what you stand to gain and lose if you go back to him. You lived together for two years, you loved this guy but he beat you and will probably do so again if he doesn’t seek some form of anger management or learns to keep a grip on his fist.

In my view, you should take some proper time out before you make any decision. Stop all contact, get a friend or relative to act as a go between should you ever need anything from his flat again and find yourself. Meet new people, do new things and enjoy life. If your ex truly loves you, he will do what he has to to prove to you he has changed because you will have changed and he’s not controlling the relationship any more. Or maybe, after time to yourself, you might see life differently or better without him. Don’t let yourself be guilt tripped into doing anything and learn to love and value yourself.

Best Wishes AA

Contact Auntie Aura with a problem email :